Urban Air Tickets

 Please make sure you "CHECKOUT" with the total number of RSVPs.


The Total will show $0.00 if not purchasing food or sibling tickets - please continue though ALL checkout pages until you receive a thank you page and a follow up EMAIL.


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Urban Air VVE Student Ticket
All currently enrolled Valley View Student Tickets are FREE, but you must RSVP here.
 Urban Air Sibling Ticket
Purchase now to save! (On-site sibling tickets will be $33.99 + socks + tax at the door.)
 RSVP FREE VVE Student Meal Deal
Includes 2 pieces of Pizza + 1 Drink. Let us know how much pizza to have ready! 1 meal per student.
 Parent/Sibling Meal Deal
Includes 2 pieces of Pizza + 1 Drink. Let us know how much pizza to have ready!